Saturday, February 8, 2014

UU Talks March on 12th March: All about the power of persuasion and ecosystem services

Already awaiting the next UU Talks? Us too and we are happy to announce the next talk for March 2014 with the following two exciting topics:
  1. Celine van Bijsterveldt on "Ecosystem service and human interference"
  2. Jonas Wolterstorff on "The power of persuasion - Choices in the tradeoff between planetary protection and profit" 
Take your agenda and put a big reminder for the 12th March, 19:00 in the Green Office of Utrecht University on the Uithof campus. If you are hungry and thirsty for interesting debates, drinks and snacks, then this your evening!

Join the event on Facebook.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Impressions from UU Talks February 2014

The first UU Talks was an enormous success. We listened to two great speakers who shared their ideas about future energy systems, the role of legislation, the potential of renewable energy sources, fun ways to collect electronic waste and how to let school children become part of it. But we also had a very critical audience who gave a lot of insights back to the speakers. In the end we hope that everyone could gain something out of it. In that sense, share the success and hope to see you soon at the next UU Talks March!

The Talks on YouTube 


